The Best Income Producing Duplexes in the Austin Texas Region
The best income producing duplexes in the Austin Texas Region on the market are in the following order. This analysis doesn’t include appreciation rates, tax analysis, rent analysis, rent appreciation nor deferred maintenance analysis. It is strictly the best income producing duplexes in the Austin Texas Region based upon yield only.
The best income producing duplex in the Austin Texas Region #1 is MLS # 4325782. 2207 Wheeler Ave, Killen. The price is $92,000 and its generating $1390 rent. It has a price/rent yield of 5.51. It’s a good one but there isn’t as much appreciation as you would get in Austin.
The best income producing duplex in the Austin Texas Region #2 is MLS # 8317772 206 Avenue R, Marble Falls. The price is $199,900 and its generating $1645 rent. It has a price/rent yield of 10.12. It’s a good one too. You will see more appreciation in this area than in the Killen area. Two, its not as dependent upon the military as the Killeen property
The best income producing duplex in the Austin Texas Region #3 is MLS # 6225043 2103 Lemon Ave. Austin. The price is $230,000 and its generating $1700 rent. It has a price/rent yield of 11.27. It’s the best one in the city in regards to price/rent. This property is a bit run down so if one fixes it up then one can get more rent. But, if you do nothing then the rent will keep increasing in relation to the area rents. Although you won’t get the best tenants given the condition
The best income producing duplex in the Austin Texas Region #4 is MLS #1725888 5506 Ponciana Dr. Austin. The price is $230,000 and its generating rent of $1550. Its rented below market value. It’s in rough shape. See notes for 2103 Lemon Ave above as the same ideas apply. It has a yield of 12.36
The best income producing duplex in the Austin Texas Region #5 is MLS # 1509033. 1511 Rutland, Austin. The price is $254,950 and its generating rent of $1630. It’s yield is 13.03. This property is on a very busy 4 lane street. It is in the very fast appreciating area of the Domain.
If you are interested in a more rigorous analysis of the above Austin Texas Duplexes then please contact us. Looking forward to hearing from you.